To my daughter, Camp Paivika is EVERYTHING! She begins talking about camp the moment she gets home from her job at United Cerebral Palsy; it’s all downhill from there. She eats, showers, and spends family time talking about camp. She even talks about camp when being put down for bed. The saga continues when she wakes up in the wee hours of the morning. She is so excited about camp in 2019 that she asked me to put a pop-up reminder on my phone for Dec 3 – for registration. This year she is motivated because she told us that Lauren asked her if she would like to be a volunteer. :-} I asked her what that would entail. She excitedly replied, “passing out paper for tasks, pens, crayons and facilitating what is needed”…of course with assistance :-}
You guys don’t understand what Camp Paivika does for my life; it is very liberating. It is a gift from Heaven. I love that Camp Paivika is an outlet for people with similar lifestyle challenges. It is a community of individuals who can relate to one another. If it weren’t for this saving grace, I would have absolutely no solace, no therapeutic time. Camp Paivika provides me as a loving mother and 24-hour caregiver, an opportunity to have a little “me” time. Without Camp Paivika “me” time would not exist.